Oct 3, 2011

SRB Chung Hua No.4 Kuching - 古晋中华小学第四校

校 名(中文) : 古晋中华小学第四校 (国文) : SRB CHUNG HUA NO.4 KUCHING.
校 址 : 古晋凤梨路
通讯处(中文): 砂拉越、古晋、凤梨路、邮区编号93400
ADDRESS: SRB CHUNG HUA NO.4 , Jalan Nanas, 93400 Kuching, Sarawak.
注册号码: AS.275 电话: 082-242487

古晋中华小学第四校乃古晋中华小学校董会属下五间华小之一, 简称四小。四小之前身为古晋客属公会所主办之越光学校,第二次世界大战后, 本校于1945年11月1日重新开学, 客属公会便将这间学校移交予古晋各社团及热心教育人士所组成之校董会接办, 正式易名为中华小学第四校。

本校课室改建为全部三层楼之钢骨水泥建筑物是分成三个阶段进行。1969年先建成靠凤梨路边之十二间课室。1977年又建成十四间课室, 一间办公厅和一间图书馆, 第三阶段之十二间课室是在1989年落成启用。本校尚缺少资料中心及正式礼堂, 至于其他设备应有尽有。

本校有今日的堂皇建设与优美的学习环境, 应归功于校董会与社会热心华教人士。1989年6月成功举行校友回校日, 并筹款安装所有教室之风扇, 使莘莘学子能在更完好的环境下学习。

近年来, 由于发展迅速, 人口与住家均不断地增加。每年欲报读本校之新生均超额而被教育部分配到别校就读, 造成家长与学生的许多不便, 因此本校从1992年起每年均招收一年级新生 6班, 至今已有四年, 因而造成本校课室之不敷。如将后每年继续招收新生6班的话, 那么建造新课室将是该不容缓之事。

目前本校共有55位教师, 其中男教师13名, 女教师42名。此外本校亦有2位书记, 2位校工和一位守夜员。


Chung Hua Primary School No.4 is also known as SRB Chung Hua No.4 in the Malay language. It is located at Nanas Road, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Chung Hua Primary School No.4 is one of the five primary schools (going to be six in 1998) in Kuching city managed by the Board of Management of Chung Hua Primary Schools No.1-5. It was formerly known as Yueh Kong School managed by the Hakka Association (one of the clan association in Kuching) before the second war world. In 1945 (after the second war world), the Board of Management of Yueh Kong School officially handed over the school to the present board of management (formed by a joint committee of 14 Chinese associations in Kuching) due to financial problem. On 1st November,1945, Yueh Kong School was renamed Chung Hua Primary School No.4.

The construction of the 3-storey concrete school buildings was carried out in three phases. In 1969, a row of 3-storey concrete building consisting of 12 classrooms situated near Nanas Road was completed. In 1977, another 2 concrete blocks consisting of 14 classrooms, a staff room and a library was built. The final phase of 12 more concrete classrooms was completed at the end of 1989. At present, the school facilities include 36 classrooms, a library, a staff room, a dental clinic, a Science laboratory, a workshop (for learning living skills), a computer room, 3 badminton courts and a basketball court.

The school is still short of a resource room and a school hall. The successful completion of the present school buildings was the invaluable efforts of the school Board of Management and the generous donations from the general public, especially the Chinese communities in Sarawak. In June 1989, an old boys' reunion day was successfully organized to raise fund for purchasing and installing of 2 ceiling fans ln each of the classrooms so as to provide a better study environment for the students.

Due to the rapid development of Kuching city, the population and residential houses within the school catchment area increases tremendously. As a result, the annual Standard 1 intake is very much higher than what the school can accommodate. The reallocation of the excess Standard 1 pupils to other Chinese schools nearby has caused a lot of inconveniences to the parents concerned. Ever since the year 1992, the annual intake has increased to six classes (about 330 pupils). To date the school has 56 teaching staff :1 clerk, 1 typist, 2 groundsmen and a night watchman.

Chung Hua Primary School No.4 has always been doing well both in academic and co-curriculum activities. In 1996, there were 18 pupils scoring 6A's in the UPSR (Standard 6 Assessment) examinations and 32 other scoring 5A's. The overall passing rate was 81.74% and the percentage of students passed in all the six papers was 64.34%.

In sport activities, oratory contest and story-telling competitions at inter-schools level, Chung Hua Primary School No.4 has been doing excellently well. In 1996, three students were selected to represent Sarawak in the diving event to SUKMA VI (Malaysian Mini Olympic) held in Kuantan, Pahang. The three divers are Foo Ming Swan, Ian Tan Siong Yuen and Roy Tan Siong Huon. Linsay Woon from the school was also selected to represent both the Kuching/Samarahan Division and Sarawak in the State/National level tennis championship. The school is also doing well in badminton and in athletic .

The present school headmaster is Mr. Goh Sze Kaong (since 1.7.92), the senior assistant I (academic) is Mr. Pui Jin Shih, the senior assistant II (student affairs) is Mdm. Chiew Boi Eng and the Senior assistant for co-curriculum is Mdm. Bong Kui Fah.

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