MY FM成立于1998年,隶属马来西亚最大的电台经营机构Airtime Management & Programming Sdn. Bhd.(简称:AMP)旗下的中文电台。根据AC Nielson市场评估报告,MY FM连续10年成为马来西亚最受欢迎的中文电台。
MY FM一向秉持的理念就是:音乐无限,贴心空间。以一天24小时最丰富的音乐元素,陪伴每一个收听我们的朋友,为他们制造一个最贴心的空间。自成立以来,MY FM一直以来都是收听率第一的中文电台,是全马来西亚最受欢迎的中文电台,平均达到每周超过2百万听众群。
“MY” 这个名字和它心型的标志突现听众对MY FM的归属感,同时给予听众一个提示:这是“我”的电台,随时随地播放“我”喜欢的歌曲/音乐。MY FM主要的语言是华语与粤语。主要播放的歌曲是时下流行的流行曲、90年代红极一时的代表作,以及80年代的经典名曲;另外,我们也播放时下流行的外语歌曲,让听众享受到最全面的音乐感觉。
除了精彩的广播节目之外,我们MY FM也有自己的特工队,每天到户外派送礼物给听众;同时也有漂亮的网页:www.my.com.my,包含所有与电台和娱乐界最精彩的节目内容与资讯,包括网上直播现场访问、网上收听MY FM、网上投选至尊流行榜榜中歌曲等等。
MY FM is Malaysia's No. 1 Chinese radio station designed for 18-34 year old urban Chinese-speaking listeners. The station showcases adult contemporary Chinese music from the 80s to now, presented in both Mandarin and Cantonese. You’ll hear local artists such as Fish Leong, Penny Tai, Nicholas Teo, and popular Asian artists such as Jacky Cheung, Lee Hom, Jolin Cai, Jay Chow and SHE to name a few. MY FM hosts the hugely popular breakfast show with Jack and Mei Yan, and a weekly chart show ‘MY Chart Show’. The station also delivers refreshing takes on showbiz, as well as news and information on the latest hi-tech gadgets, and places and events around town. "MY radio station playing MY music" anytime, anywhere, that’s MY FM.
MY FM Facts:
- No. 1 Chinese station with a reach of 2.2m listeners
- No. 1 Chinese breakfast show in the country with an amazing 1.3m listeners
- No. 1 station with the highest number of loyal/ exclusive listeners at 1.15m
- Among the Top 10 in terms of TSL with 10.54 hours per week
Address : MY FM, All Asia Broadcast Center, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur .
电话: 传真号码: 03-9543 9911
电邮: Webmaster@my.com.my
For more information , visit : www.my.com.my
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