A trade mark provides a way of distinguishing the origin of goods/services. A trade name may be the name under which a company or person conducts business. A logo is a device, shape or design which may, or may not include a word. It provides a distinctive badge of origin for goods and/or services.
A prominent trade mark can be a company’s most valuable single asset and trade mark registrations can last indefinitely.
A trade mark can act as a guarantee both of quality and the source of goods or services.
Our trade mark consultants can help you by:
Trade Mark Filing , Trade Mark Registration , Trade Mark Renewal , Trade Mark Enforcement or Litigation , Trade Mark Watching , Trade Mark Promotion or Branding , Trade Mark Strategies , Trade Mark Commercialization , Trade Mark Management , Trade Mark Licensing .
Registration of a trade mark provides the proprietor with the means to protect its brand name and prevent copying and imitation.
Trade marks are not registrable if they:
Describe your goods or services or any characteristics of them, for example, marks which show the quality, quantity, purpose, value or geographical origin of your goods or services.
Have become customary in your line of trade.
Are not distinctive.
Are three dimensional shapes, if the shape is typical of the goods you are interested in (or part of them), has a function or adds value to the goods.
Are offensive.
Are against the law, for example, promoting illegal drugs.
Are deceptive. There should be nothing in the mark which would lead the public to think that your goods and services have a quality which they do not.
Are specially protected emblems.
Armorial bearings.
Flags and other State emblems.
Official signs.
Other emblems.
Abbreviations and names of international inter-governmental organizations.
For more information, please contact:-
Tiger Intellectual Sdn Bhd3.28, Desa Complex, Jalan Kepong, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.
Tel: +603-62774007
email to or
visit website